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Product Developer at Next Jump, Inc.

Web Designer, Developer and Marketing Engineer

Words that Burned Infinitely

My First Book published on the Kindle

SwingBuy - A Hackathon Project

Hacked the Kinect for a cutting edge sit-at-home shopping experience

Next Jump Inc. (July 2012 - )

Joined Next Jump as a Front-End / Product Developer

MS in Human Computer Interaction

Graduated: May 2012 from Georgia Tech.

iBharatha - A Digital Portal to the Mahabharata

Master's Project with Dr.Janet Murray

BrailleTouch - Touchscreen keyboard for the blind

An android assistive/predictive keyboard for the visually challenged

StoryMap - EUROITV Berlin, Germany

An iPad Companion app for Long-Form TV Narratives

The Harish Factor - Short story writing

Began the regular practice of short-story writing

IBM - Austin,TX (June 2011 - August 2011)

UI Designer Summer Internship

Smart AdVentures - Personalized TV advertising

A web based system to facilitate targeted advertising

TenniVis - A Visualization tool for Tennis

Built an infovis tool for tennis players, coaches and fans

Choralize - A UI/UX prototype for a music tutor tool

A HCI project to promote musical education

!Works - A Mobile Development Startup

Co-founded a mobile development startup

Engineering Psychology & Research Methods

Built the UX for a miniature battle tank

MS - HCI at Georgia Tech.

Started the graduate program in Fall 2010

BE - Computer Science and Engineering

Graduated Bachelors from SSNCE (May 2010)

Treasurer - Instincts 5.0

Handled the financial side for a 10 million rupees cultural event

Heterogeneous Database Integration

A demonstration project for the concept of HDI using PHP

The Awesome H

Met the love of my life

Quit Untitled Movie Makers

End of my relationship with my first startup

The Harish Factor - The Beginning of blogging

First venture into the world of online writing and editorials

Dumb Charades

Won and had fun at several national level contests with Brighton & Anand

SSN College of Engineering

Started BE - CSE in Fall 2006

End of High School - 2006

Left school with great knowledge of basics and a thirst for more

My Essay on Julius Caesar

Discovered my love for writing with poems and essays

A Brief History of Time

The quest for knowledge accumulation begins with my first book


Made a few friends, not knowing they will be around 20 years hence

Prince Matric.

Entered the school I studied for 14 years


My passion for watching and playing the game begins


Born at the end of 1988 in Chennai, India
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