% @side_nav = "using" %>
First you'll want to add the following gems to the assets group in your Gemfile
like so:
Then run bundle install
to finish installing Foundation.
NOTE: Make sure that your restart your server after running bundle install
. Otherwise the asset pipeline may not recognize the new Foundation files.
Rails 4.0 removed the assets group from Gemfile. So make sure to move the zurb-foundation gem out of the assets group, when you're updating your rails app.
Simply run rails g foundation:install
to configure your application to use Foundation. That's it!
Append the following line to your app/assets/stylesheets/application.css
If you're planning on using Sass then you'll want to rename application.css
to application.scss
. That file should then look like:
Append the following lines to your app/assets/javascripts/application.js
Make sure that Modernizr is included in the <head>
of your page:
Add the following line to the <head> of your page layout:
<%= code_example ' ', :html %>